Temptation by the Devil
The devil is an evil person. But he doesn't let us think bad of him. At least he hinders us from thinking bad of him while he controls us. And while we know that his influence is bad, and he is at heart a purely evil being that wishes nothing but to distract us from our goals, and push us aside from the straight and narrow, but difficult path, he cloaks himself with the disguise of benign relaxation or leisure, when in reality the things he tempts us into are in their heart evil.
We do not at heart resent the devil while we live, for if we did, there would be nothing different between us and Jesus Christ, who went starving for forty bloody days, out of his devotion and commitment to God. If he were to eat and break his fast, his decision would be characterized as gluttony. Really man, doesn't that seem a bit harsh? Well, yeah it is harsh. But life can be unreasonably cruel as well sometimes, miserably so, and if we truly wish to exonerate ourselves from the tight grasps of it.
The devil is not happy when he leaves his work half done. When he destroy's someone's life, he wants to destroy it all the way. So, if the person snaps back and recognizes that he is indulging his way along the path of the devil, and attempts to return back to the correct path, the devil throws a tantrum, and does all in his power to curse the recovering heart, so that it has the most pain in returning from the indulgent path.
If someone is addicted to cigarettes, and attempts to make a recovery, the devil will throw logs and obstacles along the path of recovery, so as to prevent him from truly quitting.
I was playing chess today, and was interrupted, asked by my dad to study for my exams. Now, I felt really bad upon hearing that. It felt like someone was thrusting three sharp arrows into my chest. I felt pain. I didn't want to leave my game, let alone be told to do something. Being told to do something inspires within me a feeling of rage and sadness, dejectedness, and absence of will to work. Guilt is multiplied, and the good deeds you have done are reduced in value. The acerbity of the arrogant fools who remind you of your faults becomes stronger. Your satisfaction in the quality of your work is decreased. A sickening feeling forms within you, one that makes you bitter and upset at all your faults that you allowed your mind to use against you. It feels bad, man.