
 Patience is what we call the willingness to endure a long line at the grocery store. Patience is important because it enables us to delay rash decisions, anger, and to subdue our impulsive desires. Because of patience, I am able to think through the proper move in a chess game before making the decision. Long-term goals are critical to growth over time and ability to grow into a skillset.

Those who can delay their impulses longer are stronger-willed, and can make decisions of better quality. Easier, but sustained habits sustain themselves longer than habits which are harder but not followed as stringently. One most hold oneself in such discipline as a sports coach holds his best sprinter.

He must not push the sprinter to the point where their relationship starts to fall apart, or the sprinter loses his will to keep pushing. But, he must ensure that the sprinter reaches his full capabilities. To do so, he must instill a deep sense of self-discipline in the sprinter, so that they can will themselves to start, continue, and finish their daily exercises.


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