Adam vs Charles

 There is something adventurous, yet burdensome about taking control over one’s life. One has to make optimal decisions, be responsible for fending off bad fortune, and setting up one’s house in such a manner that it is most robust to rough winds. Such a task is not easy to do.

There is an interesting characteristic of Charles’ behavior in East of Eden that is interesting to explore. He takes care of his farm as though it were his life. He wakes up early, and spends a good day’s worth of work, without complaint. Yet, when he returns to his home, he lives in filth, and neglects care of his house, to the extent that his maid claims that he lives like a pig.

Farm vs house. One well-kept, the other neglected. Charles is such a man, that works hard, but doesn’t have high esteem. Much like Cain in the story of Cain and Abel, he feels a sense of jealousy his brother, and though he outworks his brother, his sacrifices are not well appreciated.

I’m not sure of the significance of him not taking good care of his house. Maybe that has to do with his failure to improve his self-esteem and character.


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