Understanding Communism

I think it's fair to say that communist ideas and economic systems have played a large role in shaping the past. I thought I would share a couple of ideas I had.

Communism detracts from individual sovereignty. By minimizing the impact of class or hierarchy divisions in society, a goal inherent to communism. Because people are not masters of their own creations in a communist society, their individual contributions become drowned out. As far as I know, at the individual level, whether individuals work or not plays a small role in the outcome of the state as well as their personal life. Because they cannot reap the fruit of their own labor for themselves, they lose internal motivation of working.

When I think about why I undertake goals of any kind, ranging from going out for a run to practicing the piano, the primary factor that drives me is either the reward or lack of punishment. If I can attain something real, something tangible or emotional as a consequence of working, or if I will experience something painful if I don't work, I will be motivated to work on that thing.

But, I don't think that collectivism is without its benefits. Families are a good example to start with. Families are, most of the time, bonded together by mutual feelings of trust and dependence. Family is a place where it is safe to expose one's vulnerabilities. Collectively, a family of 4 can do more than the sum total of the 4 working independently. Division of labor is one way that this can be demonstrated. One person buys groceries, the other looks after the children. One manages family finances, the other keeps the house tidy.

But, specialization and collective synergy are not unique to communism, nor are they prohibitive to any economic system that leads to or is predicated upon hierarchy. When it comes to the hierarchy of job salaries, it's clear that a fast food worker makes less and lives less comfortably than a doctor. But, this is not an implication that such a system is devoid of the benefits of collectivism, despite jarring inequality. In fact, such diversity and hierarchy are indicative of the value of all jobs altogether, but in a way that puts some above others.


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