5 Reasons to Groom Oneself
It's a bit tough to come up with serious topics to write about on days when I haven't prepared such topics beforehand. Today is one of those days. So, I thought I'd write about a bit more specific and lighthearted topic.
5 Reasons to Groom Oneself. Showering. Moisturizing. Getting a haircut. Clipping one's nails. Wearing cleaned and ironed clothes. Wearing fresh socks. Putting on deodorant. Combing one's hair.
- Make a good impression. Improve the way others perceive you. Dress respectably. Dress like a gentleman.
- People want to be closer to you. It's easier to be near something that smells good and looks good.
- Feeling fresh. It's easier to convince oneself of one's proactivity and readiness to do the day's work.
- You stay clean. It's better than staying ... not clean.
- You may act in a more orderly way. I think feeling tidy rather than unkempt helps to negotiate with oneself and act with more purpose.
PS I'm currently reading Anna Karenina (~75 pages in). I'm liking it so far. I'm gathering some thoughts, and hope to write about it soon.