5 Reasons to Groom Oneself

It's a bit tough to come up with serious topics to write about on days when I haven't prepared such topics beforehand. Today is one of those days. So, I thought I'd write about a bit more specific and lighthearted topic.

5 Reasons to Groom Oneself. Showering. Moisturizing. Getting a haircut. Clipping one's nails. Wearing cleaned and ironed clothes. Wearing fresh socks. Putting on deodorant. Combing one's hair.

  1. Make a good impression. Improve the way others perceive you. Dress respectably. Dress like a gentleman.
  2. People want to be closer to you. It's easier to be near something that smells good and looks good.
  3. Feeling fresh. It's easier to convince oneself of one's proactivity and readiness to do the day's work.
  4. You stay clean. It's better than staying ... not clean.
  5. You may act in a more orderly way. I think feeling tidy rather than unkempt helps to negotiate with oneself and act with more purpose.
PS I'm currently reading Anna Karenina (~75 pages in). I'm liking it so far. I'm gathering some thoughts, and hope to write about it soon.


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