
I visited Dumbarton bridge today with my dad, a bridge over the Bay. From there, I could see San Francisco and Oakland and the Bay Bridge connecting these two. I enjoyed the trip. I have a lot of work on my plate and feel guilty that I only worked for an hour and a half today. But, I had many enjoyable experiences, including an evening walk and teaching some younger friends how to kick and punch.
Tomorrow, I plan to wake up around 5am and work for an hour and a half, then exercise at 7am with my neighborhood friend. I have several tasks lined up for myself, including automata homework, statistics homework, a history essay, and a lab for my os class. Ideally, I will spend 8-9 hours of worktime tomorrow and also visit the library to return some books and get some more. However, I expect it to be difficult to achieve this goal.
Today, I watched the daily routine of Lex Fridman and found it inspiring. I am reminded of how privileged I am to enjoy most of the classes I take and to be able to explore different topics.
I am most worried about the slow rate of progress I am making in my lab. I hope that I can spend 10 hours of work time before my next lab meeting with the professor on Thursday; with luck, I will have some positive results to show.
I also need to start planning the next year or two of my life because I am considering graduating early and applying for a masters. If I choose to do so, I need to have a plan very soon.
और अब मेरा थोड़ा मन हो रहा है हिंदी में लिखने का क्यों की मैंने बड़े दिनों से इस भाषा में नहीं लिखा। मुझे हिंदी भाषा काफी सुन्दर और मज़ेदार लगता है जब सोचके बोली जाती है। शुद्ध हिंदी  में हर जस्बात का और हर विशेषण का एक सही शब्द होता है। एक बार मैंने प्रेमचंद की कहानी पढ़ना चालू किया था और बहुत मजा आया।  


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