Once Upon A Time in France by Ravit Sharma
Once upon a time near the Eiffel Tower in France there lived a girl named Charlotte. She loved bicycle riding and she was in the top two pelotons in France. She was quiet and gentle and she believed in pacifism. Charlotte wanted to open a bicycle training institute for children but due to bureaucracy she could not get a license. One day there was a bicycle race. The top two pelotons competed. Charlotte won . When she went to get her medal she found a mystique hammer. It had a picture of a horse which was moving. The men were preparing the horse for a dressage. Each man had a golden denture. In those days a golden denture was considered a cachet. A diplomat from Italy gave away the award. The award ceremony was held in a foyer of a hotel. A few of Charlotte's friends had rehearsed a dance that they performed on stage. There was a diorama of her on her bike in the background of her friends. When she returned home she put her medal in her boudoir. When she looked at...