Once Upon A Time in France by Ravit Sharma

Once upon a time near the Eiffel Tower in France there lived a girl named
Charlotte. She loved bicycle riding and she was in the top two pelotons in France.
She was quiet and gentle and she believed in pacifism. Charlotte wanted to open a
bicycle training institute for children but due to bureaucracy she could not get a license.

One day there was a bicycle race. The top two pelotons competed. Charlotte won
. When she went to get her medal she found a mystique hammer. It had a picture of
a horse which was moving. The men were preparing the horse for a dressage. Each
man had a golden denture. In those days a golden denture was considered a cachet.
A diplomat from Italy gave away the award. The award ceremony was held in a foyer
of a hotel. A few of Charlotte's friends had rehearsed a dance that they performed
on stage. There was a diorama of her on her bike in the background of her friends.

When she returned home she put her medal in her boudoir. When she looked at
her medal she remembered when her friend told her that she had expertise in
bicycle riding. Suddenly she heard gunfires, and thought it was the U.S army in a
sortie. She remembered that her house was not elite and thought the U.S army would
knock her house down easily. Suddenly she heard another gunfire which made the
whole house shake. Her box of rouge fell down and all the red powder scattered on
the floor. She looked out the window and saw the French regime in war with the U.S
army. One French soldier on the bevel of a ramp fell down and broke his bone.

It was lunchtime.Charlotte wanted to eat quiche. After lunch, she looked out
the window and saw a morgue near the battlefield. After a while she heard he dad
playing the harmonica. It sounded like a musicale. She found a baton from her
boudoir and started conducting it to the sound of the music. The music was
finesse. Suddenly the barrage of gunfire grew louder. She looked at her hands and
thought that she needed manicure treatment. She thought the mascot for a beauty
parlour was a beautiful hand.

She looked into her boudoir and found her small layette from when she was a
baby. She also found a pair of colorful wooden balls used in croquet game. There
were so many things in her boudoir it seemed like everything was a mirage. She
found a magazine clipping with a neologism. On the ceiling there was a beautiful

In snackstime, Charlotte wanted clementine. After that she had to go to
gymnastic class so she wore her leotard. The class had an entourage around the
teacher. At the end of gymnastic class she went to watch a matinee show of a
movie. In the interval of the movie she ate a croquette. After the movie she went
to a deluxe restaurant and ordered an escargot for supper. She saw a collage of
pictures of the restaurant. Charlotte saw a note on the menu with a doctrinaire

Charlotte went home. She felt very fatigued. She looked in her boudoir and
found a toy sthethoscope and a palette for her to use to paint. It was a souvenir
for art. Her boudoir's closet was very messy and maladroit. She slept. In the
morning she awoke and found her tests from school. She felt chagrin because she
had a C. She had scored 77%.

One day a beggar came to her house. Because of her altruism Charlotte gave lots of
things to the beggar. She also gave a parfait and some clothes from the boutique
to the beggar. When Charlotte wore those clothes she looked gorgeous. One of those
clothes were made of indigo denim. Another one was beige. She also gave a suave
omen that she had for a long time.

As soon as the beggar left Charlotte heard a loud ambulance siren. She saw it
on the prairie.She saw a red airplane. Its fuselage was the most attractive part
of it. She knew the driver's personality. He was amenable. He went over a plateau.
Just then she noticed she had grown physique. she looked down and found a nougat
on the floor. She looked at a ballerina wearing a tutu. She looked like she was
vogue. It looked like she was flamboyant. Suddenly she got an egalatarian thought.
It was that everything could be impasse. This was gauche. She saw something taupe
from the genre of brown. It was a croissant. It was baked by a protege who cooked
for a fete for a rapport with a bride and a groom. The place it was held at, there
were red virgules on the wall.

After a while Charlotte met someone who was constructing a masterpiece because
he did not want to be a saboteur. In his past life he was a recidivist and a
raconture. She saw a repertoire in his hand about dances. This man was poignant.

She went back home and found ecru bedsheets on the floor. In the kitchen she
found a melange of fruits in the mixer. She also found a picture of an ingenue.
She camouflaged with the tree. Suddenly she made a debacle and fell over.

Two weeks later the French Renaissance started. Then she saw the chassis of a
car in her garage. In her fridge she found mayonnaise and a few dossiers about a
few people.

After a few weeks her friends came over. They were hungry. Charlotte was like
a garcon. Then they played with pretend lieutenants. The game was blase. At last
Charlotte's friends arranged a rendezvous to give Charlotte a gift.


Rohit said…
The most complex piece of a story, I ever read. I had to look up meaning of words used in every sentence. So it took me 20 minutes to read and understand the story.

Sounds like story is written around recently learnt set of words, so script and flow is weak.

Few mistakes are:
driver - pilot
sthethoscope - stethoscope
egalatarian - egalitarian
raconture - raconteur

I am indeed impressed with the words and your increased vocab.

Ravit said…

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