Happy New Year

Happy new year! 2020....

My senior year of high school has flown by pretty quickly. Not unexpected, but nonetheless, crazy to think about. At the moment, I am quite happy, as I finished the last of my college applications on Sunday, and the workload in that regard has dropped significantly. As I wrap up most of my academic classes, I am excited about the relatively greater degree of free time and freedom I will have over the next three-fourths of a year until college begins. Although I'm not quite done yet, I do feel quite relieved of the looming pressure of application season; I have been looking forward to this time for several months.

Now I know things rarely go exactly according to plan, but there are a few things I am truly looking forward to experiencing: just some ways I want to have fun:

  • Running - I have been recreationally running for about six months now. I started last June, and hope to keep up my engagement in the activity and hopefully see an improvement.
  • YouTube Channel - I hope to grow my YT channel by reaching out to new audiences, and improving the overall quality of my videos.
  • Online Courses - In particular, I am interested in learning: math, bioinformatics/computational biology, physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering.
  • Learning Farsi - Okay I am pretty excited about this one, though I know nearly nothing about the language nor even where to start learning. I just know that 1) it holds several structural similarities and words to Hindi 2) it sounds cool.
  • Practicing Piano - I stopped going to piano lessons a few years back, but I feel that my learning provided me with a good foundation on music theory to start learning. I hope from now to learn more about theory, history, and to build my repertoire.
In conclusion... I do admit that I am perhaps in a rather idealistic mindset right now, as I am still celebrating the completion of my winter break college application grind (yay!). However, I do hope to come back to this post before the beginning of college and see where I am. I would likely know, how my goals ended up going, how I have grown/changed, how my family is doing, how my friends are doing, where I am going to college, how I felt during the last few months of grade school, whether I would be leaving behind my lifelong home for the first time, whether I would have to part with my neighborhood friends, and what my expectations for college life are.

Anyway, my life is good right now, and I feel that I will be best prepared intellectually, emotionally, and socially for college, if I take it easy now and do the things I love. Note to future self: I seriously have no idea of what to expect in the next few months. I am thrilled yet simultaneously terrified. I hope I change for the better...


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