
Showing posts from 2009

Dora’s crystal

Dora and Boots were sick. So the king stole the crystal. But Diego took the crystal from the king.And then Dora and Boots were fine.So Dora and Boots and Diego got the crystal.Moral:If your friend is sick then you do the job.

My school

I went to my school. I did board work and then did opening drill then phonics meeting then reading then recess then math then music then science then art then geography.

A Boy Who Became Rich

There was a boy who became rich by helping people. And became king because he was so rich. Then he was old. So he retired.         the end                            moral:always help people and you will get                                       money

The Josfena Story Quilt

It was 1850. Faith was exited. They were going to California. Faith was a girl. Josfena was a hen. Josfena was too old to lay eggs. She was too tough to eat. Josfena made noise and made trouble. One night robbers came and could not take the quilt. Josfena helped with making noise when the robbers came  One day Josfena died they had a funeral. Adam  strapped  Josfena. Pa put Josfena in her cage.Faith burried Josfena  under a pine tree. When they were going to Califorina a wheel fell into the ocean. Faith helped with sewing the  pine tree patches. The family helped with making the quilt. They made pine tree patches to remember Josfena.

5 Year Old

I wake up brush my teeth.My teacher comes to my house. I work.I go to school.I work .I play in recess. I do work. I go home. I eat snacks. I do homework. I eat dinner.


I go to school come back eat lunch .Do my home work . Do my   CAVA . Go to komon . Eat dinner . Go to sleep .

Peter's Story

My name is Peter. I am 4 years and a half old. Today I woke up in the morning and brushed, took a bath, ate breakfast, did math, played scrabble, etc. My favorite part of the day was reading. What I didn’t like was scrabble. I had a good day. Next day they will climb a mountain.

Jhons Sailboat

Jhon had a sailboat . it was made of soap. one time he, took it to the beach . it was sailing then it sank to the bottom of the sea . a bird picked it up and gave it back to the boy

A Temple

Once upon a time there were indianas were building a temple and for the roof they put wood with a wedge in between. While they were out for lunch a couple of monkeys arrived at the temple. One Monkey thought to himself what if I pull this wedge out? The monkey pulled and pulled and it came out. And trapped the monkey's leg. The end moral : dont do things that you dont know. This is summary of a book I read.

Things I Know

I know how to write in my blog. I know how to do fractions. I know how to play piano. I know how to read. I know how to work. I know how to spell. I know how to sing. I know how to clean. I know how to use the computer. I know how to run really fast. I know how to use a shredder. I know how to take care of my family. I know how to do my work by myself. I know how to type. I listen to my Parents.
We ate pizza and watched tv. The Little Rascals was the movie we watched. The movie was very fun. I liked the pizza, but I didn't like the olives. Then my parents came back.

July 4th

I woke up we went to great mall. after that we went to the theater we watched the movie about the Dawn of the Dinasours. And then we went to poolside party. In the night we watched fire crackers show on TV and then mom told me the story about July fourth. In the story they wrote Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the plan for people of America to rule America not Britain. Declaration of Indpendence was written on July 4th 1776.

Father's Day

On June 21, Sunday we celebrated father's day. We bought surrprise for my dad on last Friday. I also made a tie for my dad. On Sunday morning me and my brother gave the gifts to my dad. My dad was very very very happy! My mom took pictures of my dad with me and my brother. We spent the whole day doing fun things with my dad. We love dad and dad loves me.

Clown day

I talked to my mom she made me a clown she made a pant with stripes and a shirt with stripes I went to school and I went to jump house. When I came out i ran to play on other toys but my teacher called me back. Then my parents came to visit me and my teacher gave me a duck. This was last day of my school. the end


There was a king and three queens -Kaushalya, Kaykai and Sumitra. When Ram got big he was going to become king but munthra was bad. The king gave two boons - so Ram went to jungle and Bharut beacame king. In the jungle Ravana kidnapped Sita. Ram fought with him and got Sita back . The end

chuck-e-chese's party

i went chuck-e cheses in there it was lot of fun i got 59 tickets i got 4 things candy sqerter tic tac toe sticers I did all of the things by my self it was in steevens creek


I went camping in Saratoga Springs we played alot while my dad got coal. when he came back very soon we cooked an then soon we slept it was cold in the tent so we slept in the car then very soon we slept and we woke in the car the end

Award Ceremony

On May 3rd, we went to Fremont Hindu temple. In the temple they ,were singing bhajans. And then when I received my trophy I made a mistake of going to wrong stage to receive my award. People were laughing. I went down the stage and received my prize. And other children also and then we went home I will put my trophys . Moral if you want to go to Hindu temple always make a chart. The end

Public Speaking and Science Exhibition

On Saturday I went to Fremont temple to participate in the competition. I spoke on the topic of “Healthy Eating for Children”. It went very well and I got two rounds of applause. I won the first prize for public speaking. For science exhibition I made a food chart. I got excellent comments and won the second prize for science exhibition.

School Zone Math fun

  I was insisting my dad to  get a fraction book after I got my certificate in times attack. And he bought a fun book. I started playing games yester night. And got the certificate this  morning. Love, Ravit

My Times Attack Certificate

I earned this certificate by learning times table up to 12. This is a cool computer game with nice graphics. I loved it. You can ask me any table up to 12. I wish there was a game up to table of 36, it would have been more fun. See my certificate-

Easter egg hunt

Once there was a boy. His dad used to take him to Easter egg hunt every  year. But one day  his mom and dad had to go to work.And he could  not go .And he prayed to god and they came back very soon and they could go. The End. Moral if you want  to go somewhere pray to god

Black Widow Spider Story

Once there was a boy his dad used to say bye-bye. And one day there was a black widow Spider and the black widow spider hurt him and he got so many wounds and bruises and he came home and his dad said What. The boy said there was a black widow spider. And it hurted him alot. He had to go to docter. He went and he was fine. The End. Moral: When you play you have to be carefull about dangerous animals.


There are many kinds of frogs. Frogs are amphibians - that means frogs can live in both land and water. Frog lays lots of eggs in a big blob of sticky and slimy jelly called spawn. Tadpoles hatch from the egg and in a few weeks it grows into froglet. Froglet grows into a frog.