First Time Driving
Today, I had my first driving lesson. Within the span of 2 hours, I started the engine of the car in the driver's seat for the first time on my own and also drove up to 45 mph. Steering felt strangely familiar, but I was shocked by how sensitive the gas pedal is. I learned that when it comes to acceleration, driving a car is nothing like riding a bike. Steering and braking have their similarities. The gas pedal is so sensitive that a minor accidental depression can lead to a sudden jerky . Most of all, while driving I was surprised by how easy it must be for someone to crash a car if they wanted to. Lampposts, curbs, walls, other cars. So many things around that one can ram the car into. The car only stays in its lane if the driver guides it so. I don't know why I find that so surprising. Perhaps sitting in the passenger seat beside or behind a responsible driver for so many years has made me feel as though it's very difficult for one to make a car go anywhere it's not ...