Random Thoughts

Hello there! As you can probably tell, I've fallen out of the habit of writing blogs regularly. Looking forward, I seek to make blog-writing a regular habit, a tool that I can use to preserve my memories rather than a burden or obligation. On this blog, I'll write about the topics that come to my mind, and spend about 10 minutes a day to pause and reflect. I will not edit this post unless I want to. I think that editing blogs for readability detracts from my experience writing, which is for fun. After all, this blog isn't another English assignment. So let's make it a fun place where I can convey my status, random thoughts, and simply reflect upon my life. (I realize I'm being repetitive, but once again, I don't feel like editing this post.) If you don't like the way I write, don't read it. But once again, I think, "Do I have a standard to hold this blog up to?" At the moment, I don't think so. The purpose of this blog is to capture who I am in a nutshell. My personality should mold the style of this blog, not any standards. So, this post so far has basically turned into stream of consciousness. I don't know what exactly to write, so I'm just writing what I feel like writing. Okay okay okay okay ... okay. Now what do I do? Okay, even if I make this blog about me, there still needs to be some substance other than me just ranting about what I will make this blog about. When I try to think about something to write, I am unable to do so. Why is this? Okay what are some interesting things to write about? Exactly. I don't know what to write. It is currently 8:00 pm, and I still have a bunch of more footage to record for my YouTube channel. So I am writing this blog, and hopefully the camcorder's battery is almost fully charged so that I can go back and record. Sometimes I feel that most people don't understand even the simplest things. We take them for granted. For example, I still don't understand how a clock works, although I have been reading clocks for over a decade. Okay there we go. Something interesting. Now this is becoming more about me seeing how fast I can fill up space rather than to write something interesting. I don't want to format at all because when I format I get attached to the thing I format, and when that thing doesn't do well, I get disappointed. So I'll leave this blog post exactly as is. Just do it and walk away. Never have to think about it again. Until later, when I come back and revisit it, when I actually feel like it. I think this is a reasonable size for a blog post... bye!!


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