It's summer, one of my favorite times of the year! It's a relatively relaxing and stress-free time of the year, and I have the chance to work on things I enjoy doing. Here's a rough breakdown of my schedule each day. 7:45 AM - Wake up, Brush, Breakfast, etc. 8:00 AM - Begin work on internship/other activities (usually with several breaks in between) 12:00 PM - Lunch 6:00 PM - Walk my dog and play outside 8:00 PM - Go to the gym (past few weeks I've been doing 5K, 100 situps, 100 squats, 100 pushups) 9:00 PM - Shower 9:30 PM - Dinner 11:00 PM - Go to sleep As I mentioned, this is a very rough breakdown, and I don't adhere to this schedule strictly; usually however, my day entails the aforementioned activities. I've found so far that it's been an exciting mix of work and play, and I hope to maintain a similar schedule throughout the rest of the summer.