THE GIVER: Unusually amazing story

Let me first describe the setting. In this world, there is no war, fear, pain, color, feelings, or music. The sun never shines. It is a place where no one makes choices. Children do not have birthdays, but have ceremonies in which each group of children, at the maximum twelve months apart are advanced by one year. Let me give you an example. A child is born in January. Then two months later another one is born. Both children would turn one in December, and then two in the following December. When you turn twelve, you become an adult, receive your training, and then start working. Another difference between our world and their world is that it is very rare to die. Therefore, after each adult has led a good life, they are released.

Jonas is an eleven eagerly waiting to receive his assignment. When it is finally December, he is selected to be Receiver of Memories. That selection is very rare. He has to go under physical pain through "memories". The Giver - the current receiver is giving him these memories to give him wisdom. I don't want to spoil the rest of the story, so if you want to know the rest, you have to read the book.


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