Spinning Light

Adding Light

Today, I experimented about the color that forms when light mixes. I spun a disk with the colors red, yellow,
orange, green, purple, and blue on a DC motor. This plays a trick on your eyes because whenever you look at it , it spins quicker than 1/15 of a second so it looks like the colors are joining. How does it look? You will
soon find out


What color do the rainbow colors  make when they join together?


I think they make white when the colors join.


Colors of the rainbow are caused by prisms.


You will need 2 wires, 1 d-cell battery, a DC motor, a battery rubber band, and a disk with colors of the rainbow.

Materials for experiment

Doing experiment:

  1. Put the rubber band around the battery. 
  2. Attach one end of  the two wires to each side of the battery under the rubber band.
  3. Attach the other end of the wires to each side of the  DC spinning motor
  4. Put the disk on the point of the motor
Light adder

Analyzing Data: 

There were six colors in the beginning, and now it looks like one color, white.


Yes, white is made when red, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green are added together.


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