
Showing posts from July, 2009

A Temple

Once upon a time there were indianas were building a temple and for the roof they put wood with a wedge in between. While they were out for lunch a couple of monkeys arrived at the temple. One Monkey thought to himself what if I pull this wedge out? The monkey pulled and pulled and it came out. And trapped the monkey's leg. The end moral : dont do things that you dont know. This is summary of a book I read.

Things I Know

I know how to write in my blog. I know how to do fractions. I know how to play piano. I know how to read. I know how to work. I know how to spell. I know how to sing. I know how to clean. I know how to use the computer. I know how to run really fast. I know how to use a shredder. I know how to take care of my family. I know how to do my work by myself. I know how to type. I listen to my Parents.
We ate pizza and watched tv. The Little Rascals was the movie we watched. The movie was very fun. I liked the pizza, but I didn't like the olives. Then my parents came back.

July 4th

I woke up we went to great mall. after that we went to the theater we watched the movie about the Dawn of the Dinasours. And then we went to poolside party. In the night we watched fire crackers show on TV and then mom told me the story about July fourth. In the story they wrote Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the plan for people of America to rule America not Britain. Declaration of Indpendence was written on July 4th 1776.